I wrote the below article in October 2024. After the terrorist attack that occurred this morning in New Orleans, I believe this article explains how vulnerable America finds herself at this moment in time.
Our government did this to us. The Biden Administration facilitated this intentional and strategic treason.
Prepare yourself as everything is about to explode.
We Are In Danger
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a report stating that 75,000 Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) have been arrested by the Border Patrol in the first eleven months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. When this fiscal year ends in two weeks, the total number of SIAs arrested by the Border Patrol will surpass 80,000. SIAs are individuals who cross our borders illegally and have connections to terrorist organizations throughout the globe.
Days after the DHS quietly released this report, another report from the DHS Inspector General (IG) was released detailing an audit conducted for the months of March 2021 through August 2022. In this time frame, the IG investigated 981,671 arrests and releases by the Border Patrol. The IG’s findings were shocking. Over 177,000 illegal aliens from the 986,671 were “lost”. Meaning that the Border Patrol and its parent organization, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), have no record of where these illegal aliens are in America. Worse yet, 54,000 of these individual’s immigration files had no address at all. And even more unbelievable, 80 percent of the total 981,671 illegal aliens used duplicate addresses from twice to over 500 times! The IG essentially reported that CBP does not have the manpower or capabilities to track the individuals that they release into America.
The IG’s report on the failure of CBP and Border Patrol’s inability to track and monitor illegal aliens inside the United States is a snapshot of the complete breakdown of the American immigration system. The seriousness of these failures is magnified when applied to the 80,000 SIAs in FY 2023 and the 25,627 SIAs in FY 2022 that were arrested and released.
There are thousands of terrorists inside our nation who were released by the Border Patrol because the immigration system is in complete freefall. The American immigration system is collapsing.
The numbers of SIAs arrested in FY 2022 and 2023 are staggering. However, to understand the magnitude of these numbers, in FY 2021 DHS arrested a little over 3,675 SIAs. If you look further into the past, the numbers of SIAs arrested in each descending fiscal year were nominal. To further prove how rare the occurrence of arresting an SIA is, consider my career in the Border Patrol. In my 24-year career from being a Journeyman Agent to a senior leader in the Patrol, I arrested thousands of illegal aliens directly and indirectly. Of those thousands of illegal aliens, I cannot remember FIVE being SIAs.
When that rare occurrence of arresting an SIA happened, everything in my Border Patrol station stopped. As the Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge, I would have to email and call DHS Headquarters in Washington D.C. and provide exact details of the arrest. Agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) would respond to the station and conduct extensive interviews and interrogations on the subject. If that subject were determined to be a terrorist, that individual would disappear with the JTTF Agents. If it was determined that the individual could not be connected to a terrorist organization, that individual would be immediately deported.
Never in any scenario would I release that individual onto the streets of America. In fact, if I were to do something so stupid, I would be suspended and then investigated as to why I would ever make such a rash and unprofessional decision. Not in today’s DHS. That individual, along with the other 105,000 SIAs arrested in the past two fiscal years are simply released.
To truly understand the peril our nation is facing, multiple sources inside the Border Patrol have stated that the entire Tucson Sector in Arizona has stopped all law enforcement activities because they are overwhelmed and overrun with illegal aliens. Not a single Border Patrol station but the entire sector. Tucson Sector covers 262 miles of the southern border. At the same time Tucson removed all Agents from the field, Texas Border Patrol stations have left 280 miles completely unprotected as not one Border Patrol Agent is in the field.
The incredible number of SIAs arrested this year are only the SIAs that the Border Patrol was able to detect and arrest. There are hundreds of miles of the southern border that are unprotected. The northern border is as vulnerable as the southern border. Swanson Sector on the northern border has made more arrests this year than in the past 10 years COMBINED! The system is so overwhelmed that the Border Patrol Agents are pressured to process and release as many illegal aliens as quickly as they can. In doing so, mistakes happen. The FBI discovered a terrorist smuggling organization that smuggled 15 Uzbekistan nationals into the United States. All 15 illegal aliens were arrested by the Border Patrol and then released. Currently, the FBI has NOT arrested all 15 suspected terrorists.
The situation on the southern border is a disaster and a catastrophic event will occur soon.
America has never been this vulnerable and susceptible to attack. The enemy is inside our nation.
Tools of Terrorists will continue to evolve! Danger is in the air.
“The Enemy Within”