Pope Francis on President Trump’s deportations of illegal aliens - “If this is true, it would be a disgrace, because it would make poor wretches, who have nothing, pay the price of the (world’s) inequality. That’s not right; this is not how you solve things.” The man occupying the seat of Pope flatly stated that Trump’s actions are a “disgrace”.
What is a disgrace is Francis’ hypocrisy as he sits completely protected inside the Vatican with walls that reach 40 feet high. As a strong devout Catholic, I want to state that I strongly believe and appreciate my Catholic faith. At the same time, I want to be clear that I despise my facilitators of my faith. I will go as far as to state that I do not follow any mandates or teaching of Pope Francis. I find Pope Francis to be a poisonous tree and his fruits are rotten.
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Trump fired back at the poisonous pope’s hypocrisy, “When they say the wall’s immoral, well then you got to do something about the Vatican, because the Vatican has the biggest wall of them all.” This isn’t the first disagreement Trump and the pope have had. In 2016, Francis stated without any understanding of how out of touch with reality he is, “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” In present day, one of Francis’ cardinals from Chicago, Blase Cupich, pontificated from up high, “The Catholic community stands with the people of Chicago in speaking out in defense of the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers. Similarly, if the reports are true, it should be known that we would oppose any plan that includes a mass deportation of U.S. citizens born of undocumented parents. If the indiscriminate mass deportation being reported were to be carried out, this would be an affront to the dignity of all people and communities, and deny the legacy of what it means to be an American."
Just on a side note, these cardinals and this pope wearing expensive robes with those dumb hats are the modern day pharisees. If Jesus was alive today, He would gather His disciples around Him and pointing at these men, He would loudly state, “The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law are experts in the Law of Moses. 3 So obey everything they teach you, but don't do as they do. After all, they say one thing and do something else. 4 They pile heavy burdens on people's shoulders and won't lift a finger to help. 5 Everything they do is just to show off in front of others. They even make a big show of wearing Scripture verses on their foreheads and arms, and they wear big tassels[a] for everyone to see. 6 They love the best seats at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues. 7 And when they are in the market, they like to have people greet them as their teachers.”
Is there a better description of the leaders of not just the Catholic Church but all religious denominations?
I am big on connecting the dots. So maybe, just maybe these open borders and the funding needed to ensure every need of an illegal alien is met coincides with Catholic Charities and the mother church. Could Francis and the 50 United States Bishops, the majority are registered Democrats, be addicted to the billions of federal dollars pouring into Catholic Charities and then into the coffers of the Catholic Church.
I will write on this in an upcoming Substack article but how much money has been granted to Catholic Charities during the Biden Administration - 2.9 BILLION DOLLARS! And that number is low. I believe it is much higher but for the sake of this article, that is a lot of money! From 2009 to the end of Biden’s miserable term in office, Catholic Charities and thus the church has received over 5.2 billion!
No why would the Catholic Church sell the soul of her faith for more than a few pieces of silver? Well, maybe because the Catholic Church has paid a lot of pieces of silver to children that were raped by Catholic priests to the tune of 5 billion dollars.
When I connect the dots, as in all crimes, the picture is clear.
Pope Francis removed Bishop Strickland from the Catholic Church for Strickland’s criticism of Francis’ desire to be more inclusive to the LGBTQ%&@+ community. Another dot to add to the picture! Bishop Strickland, one of the few leaders of God’s word, posted a quote on X from a frontline priest that gives me hope in the coming age of awakening that is happening not only in the United States government and nation but in the world:
What’s happening in the US Govt is almost exactly what needs to happen in the Catholic Church. We need a Pope-Trump style pontiff who is a very Alpha warrior no-nonsense male leader, making immediate decrees (Executive Orders) undoing almost everything his predecessor did. Then, appointing additional warrior males to lead every important agency in the Vatican and in every diocese around the world. Fire (remove) every one else, take away clearances, and roar like a Lion.
Bishop Strickland finished his post with more truth:
Popes, Cardinals and bishops are supposed to be Apostles of Jesus Christ not corrupt, non-believing weaklings who are afraid. The appointment of Cardinal, McElroy is just another arrogant move of Pope Francis and his corrupt Vatican. The pretense that McCarrick was disciplined is a shame, his corruption has continued through Wuerl, Gregory and now McElroy as he takes up the mantle. I heard a President and Vice-President today who sounded more like apostles than 99% of the hierarchy.
Just as I have openly stated that the citizens of America must stand up, point out the traitors, mocked them and then push them to the far corners of our nation to forever silence their evil, I equally challenge the Catholic faithful to do the same to our “leaders”. Our nation is in the grips of corruption and lies. The Catholic Church is also gripped and racked with evil facilitated by traitors to God’s word.
We live in the most interesting times…
I love it! Awesome commentary!
I was born, and raised a Catholic, and I attended Catholic school for 12 years! My father nearly joined the Seminary before he met my mother (I was born in 1963).
I left the Catholic Church DECADES ago. I find it to be pure, unadulterated, evil hypocrisy!
My parents, also left the Catholic Church, when they were alive.
Let me make this clear…I LOVE GOD/CREATOR with all of my heart, my mind, and my soul! God always comes first for me in my life. I take out the “middle man”, and go straight to God!
I cannot support evil, and I ask God for discernment.
Thank you!
Bergoglio slobbers over communist dictators like the Castro brothers and gives the back of the hand to conservative pro-lifers while again slobbering over the likes of Biden and Pelosi who betray the church for political gain day after day. Cupich in Chicago has forbidden the recitation of the Prayer to St. Michael. "Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.........Can anyone explain that?
People like Cupich believe it is OK to embrace pro abortion organizations if they perhaps do good environmental things and crap like that.
In the time of the American Revolution, Archbishop Carroll had to have it out with Pope Pius VI.Pius demanded that frontier Catholics must attend Mass every Sunday or he would place North America under Interdict. Carroll tried to explain it was impossible for some guy and his family to walk or ride 100 miles or more through hostile territory in all kinds of weather on a weekly basis. That there were visiting priests who made it to the settlements on a regular basis and eventually they would get a priest and build their own church buildings etc. Pius remained adamant. Carroll informed Pius that if he went through with the Interdict, Carroll would break the church in the colonies away from Rome and form the American Catholic Church. Then , like the Popes who "lost" England and Germany and the other Protestant countries, history would record Pius VI as the Pope who lost America. Pius backed off.
Benedict XVI wrote a few years ago that he foresaw a time when the real church was in peoples homes or basements after being forced from the big church by all the phony political bishops.
It would seem that time may be near for consideration of independence from the Bergoglios and Cupich et al.