Biden just pardoned or commuted over 1,500 criminals from prison in ONE day! Several were high level Chinese spies and at least one pedophile with over 50,000 pictures of child pornography but who really cares…right?
This traitor, cloaked in the title of President, is a disgrace to our nation and to the founding fathers of this great nation. In fact, if you read the writings of our founding fathers, Joe Biden was their greatest fear because the only way to destroy America is from within.
In 1838, President Lincoln’s quote of the enemy within is as relevant today as it was then, “America will never be defeated from outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it will come from the inside". The only outcome an enemy from outside of America can achieve is mutual destruction. No nation on Earth can challenge and defeat the United States of America directly. However, they can achieve victory by eating us away from the inside.
How would a foreign enemy go about doing this?
First, you cultivate an anti-American agenda and cultivate that hate of one’s country. Turn that hate into white hot anger and place people from the outside into the inside. What does that look like in real time? You destroy the understanding that America is a Republic. You water down citizenship and immigration to the point neither have value. You import the enemies into America by the millions thus completely upending the native demographics. Once you get the right people into place and they play the part of an American loving citizen, then you activate them in the highest positions of power.
Enter Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas has been a leader in the illegal alien movement since Obama’s first term in office and now sits at the top of the Department of Homeland Security as the Secretary. Mayorkas is a naturalized citizen from the communist nation of Cuba. He sat on the board of one of the most controversial non-governmental organizations called HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). HIAS is a major player in the movement of illegal aliens into the United States of America. Maybe we should connect those two dots…
Does being a naturalized citizen from Cuba and being on the board of HIAS make him a bad person? No. However, let’s add to this man’s biography that he has created and facilitated every negative immigration policy since 2008. These policies have destroyed the border, America’s sovereignty, and created the largest demographic shift in American history. Further add that Mayorkas has spearheaded the invasion of 30,000,000 illegal aliens into America in four years and then one might begin to question his loyalties to America.
I wrote an entire chapter in my first book titled INVADED dedicated to Mayorkas. My final words in that chapter were, “Mayorkas is a traitor.” I wrote it then and I state it again without reservation that he is a traitor to this nation.
You don’t agree with me about his crimes and the intentionality of his actions? Well, would you begin to believe my allegation if Mayorkas moved to request a preemptive pardon from Joe Biden? Does that change one’s mindset on this question of the guilt of Mayorkas? It should!
It is being reported on X that Mayorkas is seeking guarantees of immunity from his criminal actions. This is the third, fourth and fifth reporting on this issue I have seen. Why would Mayorkas be seeking immunity from his actions? Because he knows he is guilty of the act of treason.
Just so any new readers that have stumbled onto my Substack let me enumerate his crimes:
Mayorkas created DACA.
Mayorkas facilitated the abuse of the Parole program.
Mayorkas created the policy of catch and release.
Mayorkas destroyed the asylum system. Over 4,000,000 asylum cases are backlogged.
Mayorkas created Prosecutorial Discretion.
Mayorkas changed the designation of illegal aliens to Lawful Residents in order for the illegal aliens to sponsor their families into America.
Mayorkas opened the borders to allow 30,000,000 illegal aliens to invade America in four years.
Mayorkas flew millions of illegal aliens into America on commercial and private flights OFF the books.
Mayorkas facilitated the conditions that allowed over 550,000 unaccompanied alien children to enter America. The government has admitted to losing over 320,000 of these children.
Mayorkas admitted to creating processing centers across South and Central America to help illegal aliens complete their journey to America in the most efficient way possible.
Mayorkas lied under oath that he secured the border.
I literally could go on for several more pages, but we all get the point and what is the point?
Mayorkas is a traitor!
Biden commuted Rita Crundwell who was responsible for stealing $53 million from Ronald Reagan's home town of Dixon, IL. The largest municipal theft in history. He commuted a commodities broker from the North Shore area north of Chicago who stole $665 million. Good thing neither of them stepped over an imaginary line on the Capitol grounds 1/6/21. They'd really be in trouble!
ALL Traitors MUST be prosecuted by law! If not they will have succeeded in putting into place everything needed to completely destroy America.