All of the sins occurring in America can be laid at the feet of the American man.
All the turmoil our nation finds herself embroiled in is because of the apathy of the American man.
All the insanity and lack of social order has been allowed to flourish because of the weakness of the American man.
Every abuse suffered by our women and our children is because the American man is lazy, impotent, and afraid.
God created a natural order to all things. Look around your immediate surroundings and His work is visible to all that wants to witness it. He created woman to have a certain natural desire to nurture and care for her husband, father, and her children. Children are instinctively subordinate to their parents and desire their parents love and comfort. God created man to be strong and have a powerful desire and instinct to protect, support, and provide for his wife and children and care for his parents.
All of this natural order has been completely reversed and has been destroyed.
We live in a world where any mention of being a stay-at-home mom is considered a wasted life. Our children are insubordinate and have been unruly and dangerous. And worst of all, the man has been cultivated by the current society to be effeminate, weak, and lazy. Man have been told any sign of masculinity is bad. Being fat, lazy and impotent is now expected.
The American man is physically, emotionally, and spiritual weak.
What are the consequences of this unnatural reality which is an afront to God’s order?
The evidence of chaos and disorder caused by the unnatural state of man is everywhere.
Men have been conditioned to remain silent and allow destruction to his community and thus his family. Being silent and apathetic goes against everything God has instilled into our being. But we have remained silent in the face of evil and worse, we allowed ourselves to agree to be a part of the evil.
Let’s just list the evil we have cowered from and encouraged by our lack of strength and courage:
We have allowed the desecration of marriage to include every sexual perversion.
We have allowed our children to be confused about gender.
We have remained silent when we were told that men can have babies. That men need tampons in our bathrooms.
We remained silent when our priests and pastors abused our little children.
We remained silent when our churches flew the LGBTQXYZ flag INSIDE of God’s houses of worship.
We remained silent when adults were removing our children’s genitals and claiming those children are now whole.
We cowered as naked men claiming to be women, danced and fondled our children in our libraries, schools, and in our local parades.
We sat like little lemmings as political leaders stole our government from us, taxed us to death, and printed money into the TRILLIONS of dollars all as we are forced to work a second or third job.
Our wives are forced to work to make ends meet as the family unit has dissolved.
Our dollar is worthless as the politicians have become more and more wealthy and we have become more dependent on the slave masters and tyrants.
We have allowed savages into our nations. We actually welcomed them into our borders and fed, clothed, and sheltered them while ignoring our brothers and sisters in need of help. At the same time, these savages roam our lands raping and murdering our women and children EVERY SINGLE DAY! And we do nothing!
All these sins in America and many more are due to the lack of a strong, determined and confident man.
We have failed our wives, mothers, sisters, and children. There is an expectation from God that men must protect our families, and we have failed.
Foreign invaders and homegrown savages rape and murder our wives and children. Instead of eradicating and these animals, we want to try to understand why the savages are savages. We have been so brainwashed by our fake religious leaders into believing God is this soft, weak, and gutless being. That God accepts the insanity and evil that consumes His world.
I am actively trying to be a better Christian. Have a better understanding of the Bible. To be more confident in “Why” I am a Christian and, in my ability, to articulate effectively what I believe in. However, in spite of my lack of expertise, I know with complete certainty that God is watching all of us do nothing. Doing nothing to stop the pain and suffering of hundreds of thousands of illegal alien children AND hundreds of thousands of American born children lost to the evil of child sex trafficking. God is watching the men He created sit by like cowards as evil roams the earth. God is watching everything He demands be sacred, be destroyed. And worst of all, He is watching His son and all His suffering being mocked!
The God I know and worship is all powerful, all consuming, jealous, demands justice, and expects love and respect; that God is not going to hold back judgement on the United States of America.
To the men of America - We own all of this. It is now the men that must correct the sins against humanity and the sins against our God!
This article says exactly what I have wondered for years now . Alpha men are rare today. Church leaders refuse to speak out (rare exceptions) afraid of offending or losing members. City and local leaders in communities likewise. Will anyone stand up in the U.S. to the murders done by illegals like what is happening now in England,, when men finally woke up and demanding justice. Over time I have met only a small number of people with critical thinking ability.
Thank you JJ for all you are doing. This speaks volumes about your character and hopefully just one man ( or more) will learn something about being a MAN. I so miss seeing/ hearing men being REAL men. It is sad for us REAL women.