These numbers are devastating to our Country’s financial/taxes alone! The majority of these people will be supported on our welfare rolls. They’re not illegally coming into our country to assimilate into our Country’s cultural they’re coming here to bring their rot!

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They are coming to NA to take over.

They are here to kill us.

I'm in Toronto Ontario CHINADA and same but not as many can take our winters but we are being aken over by India at the moment.

Micheal Yon talks about HOP human osmotic pressure.

What does your town of let's say 15000 people do when 10000 let's say invade you as homeless hungry desperate zombies want food and shelter?

It's replacement population 100% funded by all of us in the west.

EVIL on steroids.

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Over half are not working now.

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As a retired border patrol manager and as a BP Partner & personal friend of JJ, even I am shocked at these numbers that he uncovers in this article. This is not sustainable. THIS IS TREASON!!! So much damage has already been done that I'm not even sure if Donald Trump can turn it around, but if anybody can it is going to be Donald Trump alone.

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See below.

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JJ please explain. The word “arrest “ means “to stop” a person or action. So if there is no arrest, then encounters is unfortunately the correct term, or what am I missing?

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Just been listening to your great interview on Redacted...

Food for thought...

When Covid happened all them Hotels would have been bankrupted... right?

In comes miraculously those "Immigrants" just as we were locked down... to save the Hotels and make them rich...

And I thank you for telling the world how much they have made while the rest of us is starving...

Thank you for exposing this.

Truth fears no Questions.

I say... Lock down all Politicians.


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How quickly can a (new) President pull us out of the UN deal?

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This is truly unfathomable!

I honestly believe that the only potential for a somewhat peaceful resolution of this with minimal bloodshed is for all the states along the US southern border to secede immediately. As in right now!!

If you think Trump (a.k.a “45”) is going to fix this as “47”, then you need to go back and review the very basics of how the enemy operates and has been for at least 3 centuries!!

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The onslaught started with Obama signing a Deal with IOM, the UN. Trump pulled out of it but Biden got us back in.

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Maybe but you do understand that it not the IOM or the UN that are bringing these people across...

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I wish it weren’t.

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My understanding from several sources is that it is, along with the NGO’s who basically guide them in, after they receive rest in the camps built for them in the Darien Gap.

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According to this, the actual money is coming from DHS under Mayorkas. Potentially over a Trillion dollars in US taxpayer money since Biden took office. The chance Trump will actually stop this is close to nil imho. https://youtu.be/VQDTFY0pmgc

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The NGO’s are also paid from DHS from our taxes which pay the UN. The busses and planes, the housing, food, and monthly stipend, you name it. But the most concerning are the foreign nationals coming here to destroy us.

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We know the Biden allowed this mess to threaten and ruin America.

We know that Biden can’t or won’t stop this ruination. We know that Trump will stop its perpetuation based on prior experience and policy. We don’t know if Kennedy has a plan for reversal, or whether he sees the invasion as an issue to tackle. That leaves Trump, and I agree it’s not an enviable position to be in to clean up after a destructive predecessor. It’s not 2016 again. But we have seen him pull out of Obama treaties (Paris Accords and Iran), so there may be hope.

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So you genuinely believe America can still vote its way out of this mess? If so, you are in for some rude awakening

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Good video. One of my favorite authors. Since the agreement with the UN was signed by Obama, but pulled out of by Trump, my expectation is that dismantling the operation is on the table.

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I am fairly certain you will be disappointed by what Trump does once he is back in the White House. Sorry to burst your bubble.


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No one wants to do anything to stop this invasion, even if Trump gets in nothing will be done because the courts decided open borders were ongoing.

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What courts, applying what section of the US Code to order this? What year? Was this brought to SCOTUS by Obama? I have to see this holding to believe it.

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The case/controversy needs to be filed by someone or or a body with standing for it to hear it and decide.

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The courts didn't stop it so I assume they allow it.

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I signed up, but it grabbed an old credit card, and I didn't know how to change it. So, hopefully, it will come back and tell me to fix it.

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Since the assassination of JFK all presidents have only been Factotums of the system since then.

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Woodrow Wilson (1913) onward. Some presidents worse than others. Congress has sold out to UN agenda 2030 and the green climate agenda. Illegals have voting rights now:https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-05-16-democrats-voted-replace-american-voters-with-illegals.html

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