Hells not coming to breakfast its here. DHS should be shutdown sheriffs and militia have got to man up wtf are we waiting for?

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DHS seems to be a coffee social club, never was much else. Other gov. dept/ agencies likewise dysfunctional, too numerous to mention.

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Correction: a grifting KIKE social-order DESTROYING club. Mayourkis et al, needs Ka-barred from nose to navel —STAT.


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Yon said this 2 years ago dickhead durbin with few rinos save act said and drafted bill illegals serve in mil they serve 7 years citizenship gi bill and they will obey their commie woke leaders to kill us South Africa is here now their laying in wait train up its here now

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This was happening 20 years ago, simply not to this extent. Of course, I was called a racist, conspiracy theorist.

We are witnessing the elimination of white, Western Civilization. It has been planned for a very long time!

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I was called the same. At this point, I am looking to have a t-shirt made with a pic of a tin foil hat with “I Told You So” written in bold type beneath. I live in the shit show that is the Colorado front range and it is devolving rapidly.

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Is there an option to move to a safer place?

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I came across your comment completely at random. This might interest you (disclaimer - I am not completely sure of ANYHTHING, but I have been following this theme for some time ...

• "No Quota, No Language Test" - Putin Invites Families with Traditional Values to Move to Russia - Fr. Joe’s Newsletter - Moving to Russia

If your country persecutes you because you have traditional Christian values, then President Vladimir Putin has just rolled out the red carpet


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That is good to know. I am as traditional as they come and I certainly do not feel as though I belong where I am at. I just want to work and live a quiet life. I would fit in with the Amish better than this current society. Thanks for the info.

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Try the Mennonites instead.

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Postscript. There is always a shred of doubt about what is true but I am holding Putin to this ...

“Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.”

This is an extract from:

• President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.


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Hello Elizabeth. I didn’t expect a response. You might like to follow/monitor this site (Russian Faith). It was an offspring of Russia Insider (now defunct).


Go figure – I followed a ‘Russian’ rabbit hole trying to figure out Russia today and Putin in particular. Hundreds of years of history, literature and then to the Bolshevik takeover. Still trying to fill in some missing pieces to understand the massive revival of Orthodox Christianity and traditional values we are seeing today.

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Who wants to learn a new language and even their alphabet is strange. We moved to the S.E. USA to avoid shoveling snow, and both our parents had also. Russia has cold climate. People must now form family or house churches for small groups. Soon it will be the only way to "church". Churches will later become unsafe unless people are only going for a social outlet (most are).

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Likely they will be part of the UN troops that go into unstable countries and round up dissidents.

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They want too destroy the USA. I'm afraid too say it's on its way too collapse. Everyday I hear eiether on substack or X or Getter on all the evil that's going on. But haven't heard anything as a counter.

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No, the granola hippies and snow skiers will NOT fare well. A lot of our state is high as hell and does not have a clue. I do actually mean that.

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Seems like the only thing law abiding Americans can do at this point is move to Venezuela.

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JJ, you may recall early in our careers when we used to be shocked and horrified to learn that yet another American had been killed by an illegal alien. I clearly remember back in those days you and I could nearly recall every single American citizen who had died at the hands of an illegal alien and we could recall the victims by name. Look how far we have come in such a short time. There are so many crimes, murders, and assaults against Americns on a daily basis now that we lost count long ago. We are not even shocked anymore when we hear about it. We have become nearly fully desensitized. I remember back in the 90s the two or three dangerous Mexican gangs and then in the 2000s the El Salvador MS 13 arrived and put those gangs out of business. Look at the horrible crimes committed by MS 13, many of which you and I used to apprehend and jail and deport along the Tijuana San Diego border. Trump did us a wonderful favor by sending So many of them back to their home to the Conseco prison. Now we've got the Venezuelan gangs were feared even more than MS 13. Thanks a lot Biden! Thanks a lot Harris! Thanks a lot Democrats! You are all traitors of the very worst kind and you all belong in prison where you should never see the light of day again for the rest of your pathetic traitorous lives. But, we know you will not answer for your crimes in this life. However, know this, you sure as hell will when you finally depart from this world!

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Thank you, and I'm so sorry. This is still a good folk song with lyrics by Noel Paul Stookey: https://youtu.be/gOAqPqt6nqU

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