JJ: Your film needs to be seen by every American. It is very important.

What will it take to stop this? Red Hats? Legions of American men who are sick and tired of this abysmal insanity?

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Wishing you a happy Father’s Day, Mr. Carrell. As for your report, I simply have no words...

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As hard as it is to accept, our government, like almost every government regardless of community, is peopled by sociopaths.

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When I read this: "...child detention camps and NGOs across Texas", I thought where is the state of Texas government? They should have jurisdiction over these camps, and these NGOs operating, on their soil. The governor must order the state police and child welfare to commandeer the camps. The NGOs must be shut down, personnel arrested and charges brought.

How could any Texas govt official sit idle with this activity going on in the state?!

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I think it’s because the Federal government has jurisdiction over the NGO’s who work for the UN IOM. It is horrifying that even at the start of their lives, people can be treated so cruelly. These babies would receive the care they need in the worst hellhole of their native lands.

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Michelle, I watched an interview that J.J. did with Clayton Morris on his news show Redacted. J.J. talked about how the NGOs get the money from the fed. govt. and take over the lives of the illegals here in the US. I highly recommend that you and folks here watch this:


BREAKING! America's Border Crisis is WORSE Than We Imagined | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

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Corinne, Thanks. JJ is a warrior. Looking forward to the documentary. I was introduced to the border crisis by several other journalists and podcasters at least a year ago: Brett Weinstein, Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity, Michael Yon, Real Muckraker, and more. All took trips to the Darien Gap, jungle between Panama and Colombia. The immigrants take the treacherous journey through the jungle. When they finish, if alive, there are camps set up for their recovery. They are NGO’s. Separate camps for nationalities. They all have IOM or OIM signs on them. They are UN signs. On the WhiteHouse.gov there is the story of the agreement Biden signed with the UN to initiate this process of immigration with US taxpayer $$$. Four years earlier, President Trump refused to sign it. That is why I am convinced the IOM (UN) and not the Lone Star State, wields more authority over their NGO’s, and Texas has its hands tied.

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Sick! And we won't know what happened to the baby. Why is the US government even responsible for illegal alien babies? They belong where they came from. Pure evil.

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How much time before slaughter starts?

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Completely heartbreaking. Who did he turn this infant over to?

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My jaw is just anchored to the floor right now now after reading this! 600,000 children? It wasn't that long ago when we spoke when you first advised me that it was 85,000 missing children and I still cannot get my job off the ground from that figure. This is treason!

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Thank you so much.

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