People need to wake up and realize that our own government wants to destroy us.

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Problem is they won't, ones in denial live in their own tiny hollowed out world. We must only stick with likeminded friends. Especially in these times. Others cannot be trusted.

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This first year of Trump’s second presidency is going to be dicey. Pray without ceasing 🙏

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"The cartels know the immigration system is broken and the number of Agents processing their clients are pressured to move as many illegal aliens through the system as possible which leads to mistakes. Terrible mistakes."

Which is precisely why the Invasion should be STOPPED, not processed. If that means putting the Army on our border, so be it.

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It’s an invasion. We are sitting ducks.

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If anyone knows and or explains how deeply America has been invaded and the levels within our borders, there’s nobody better than you JJ! Thank you Sir.

Nobody I have watched, read and or listened to, has more in depth knowledge, regarding what has happened to our nation these past few years, due to the deliberate act by an “illegitimate president” and his Vice President / administration!

They are hellbent on destroying America,

from every angle possible, redefining what unvetted

“open borders, come one come all” truly means!

Thank you JJ for you leadership and tireless effort defending our country from all threats foreign and domestic! You have illuminated this “treasonous”behavior by this administration’s, “look the other way” nothing to see here policies! So damaging, America will never be the same again!

Which we know and have shown to be, dangerously disastrous! Yesterday was only the beginning of more attacks, deadly attacks, thanks to this vice president Harris, in concert with our

“No-Show-Joe,” frail and

“non-compos-mentis” grifter!

The world knew before Biden was ever installed as president of these United States, he was unfit! Never has he been “Sharp as a tack”


This present president and admin totally seek to, without regard for human life, increase the level of destruction simply because of their lack of respect for the rule of law! They seek to destroy America from within, with the instructions from, and not limited to, Obama and his band of “Useless Idiots!”

The amount of terrorist / Jihadist, American Haters, inside our borders now, is unprecedented! Most half-wits, have been kept in the dark, willfully blind and ignorant as to what is happening within our country.

They have literally been kept under wraps. Until the major news breaks! It wouldn’t surprise me if we see another “911 X 100!”

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Not only have they slipped into this country and the E.U., Canada they are being recruited in the military and prisons who are citizens of this country.

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Yes I heard this today on Briebart News this morning. Chinese recruitment officers are recruiting Chinese nationals into our / America’s Military!

Oh this is a great way to infiltrate our military in addition to all our Govt. Agencies!

Why this isn’t being stopped is beyond me. This is another example of how this “Illegitimate President Biden and Obama’s Administration” are sabotaging / destroying America! And they will! To a degree if someone / some group of Patriots put an end to this and deport every single non-citizen who crossed our borders illegally!

Thank you Laura. It is so important today more than ever we continue helping each other learn as things evolve.

I appreciate your sharing Laura.


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Former CIA targeter Sarah Adams says the 1/1 attack is a dress rehearsal. They plan on hitting USA and three Europeans countries in coordinated attacks in 2025. Find her on The Shawn Ryan Show, plus two smaller interviews on my cast at kbags.podbean.com. She is informed. Ken. Western NC

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Thanks, will get this interview out to others. I am wondering why they waited so long to attack again. We also as you know have violent Venzualan gangs here.

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Thanks sir for what you do

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After you reported just how many illegals that had actually crossed the border and knowing they were from all countries, I knew that a New Orleans/Nevada attack would be inevitable. The hate us. They've been targeting our military since the 70s and now us too!

I don't think it's going to stop. Even if Tom Holman does a great job, there is plenty of places in the US they could just lie in wait until it was time. Next week, month, year or 10 years. This is the worst thing that anyone's done and the perpetrator is in our government. We'll never be the same!

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I believe JJ and others are correct in thinking we will find ourselves in a sort of civil war, although it will be driven by the hatred of Obama and others (Jarrett, Nuland, Rice, Soros, etc.) toward America. Opening the borders and actually ASSISTING in the flooding of our country with illegal aliens - many just seeking a better quality of life, but accompanied by hundreds of thousands/millions of alien criminals and even military-age potential/future saboteurs, foreign military intending to destroy infrastructure and destabilize our country and culture.

Those of us with both military and law enforcement training and experience may be called upon to deal with issues that the police refuse to, or are incapable, of handling, e.g. the Venezuelan gangs in Colorado, and muslim terrorists aided in coming to our country - including by the plane-load from Afghanistan and elsewhere. When it gets out of hand, as seems to be the case in Aurora, CO, it may take veterans, former law enforcement, and patriots to assist in bringing it under control. I'm not talking vigilantism, but citizens stepping up when needed to put the fires of illegal alien/foreign military aggression and violence out.

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I agree you you completely. I'm 62 and I was raised by a Marine father who, despite I was a female, taught me how to survive and the tools I needed.

If you think about things logically and do a little research, Terrorists have been attacking since the 70s. The Russian/Afghanistan war turns out that the CIA was in there cultivating the Taliban in 1979, 6 months before Russia attacked. We've devastated Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, et al. and created the Taliban, Al-Qaida, and ISIS. The entire Middle East hates us because we've run roughshot through there and devastated their entire world. With that in mind, you have a self-destructive, Marxist regime that ramped it up since Jan 2021 and let anyone and everyone over the border. If someone wanted to get revenge, this is their perfect opportunity and I imagine that thousands took it. It's common sense they would. There have been SAM'S smuggled in and stuff they're using a 3D printer for that are undetectable. They are going to create chaos in America. You'd have to be a fool to think that those who let them in won't give many a place to hide until they ramp down deportation.

The best thing anyone can do is prepare. Food, water, medicine and first aid bag, bug-out bags, a generator, extra fuel, solar devices, personal protection in whatever people are comfortable with at a minimum. I have done this and continue to for 2 years now. I'm prepared to get my community together for a neighborhood watch in case it's necessary. It's only prudent considering. I pray for the best but prepare for the worst because law enforcement is going to have their hands full and they need every able body to assist in some way.

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Preparation for any emergency is sane and logical, but preparation for the kind of violence that we have been set-up to suffer by the Obama/Mayorkas/Biden regime is mandatory if we want to keep our country. Four years of President Trump (and hopefully eight by JD Vance, if he proves to be the man we believe him to be) MAY give us some respite from what the globalists/Left have planned, but that may also be triggered sooner by those who have continued to spend billions we don't have and continue to flood our country with thousands of illegals every month while they still control the incredibly corrupt current regime. Those for whom "fundamentally transform" is another term for "destroy".

Many of us have been preparing for years, and will even be able to equip trusted neighbors if we find ourselves needing to band together to save the country we know and love. We will not go gentle into the night at the cost of our freedom and our country. As WWII Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto was supposed to have said, "I would never invade America, there is a rifle behind every blade of grass." I have a feeling that any who attempt our destruction will learn the truth of that, and any individuals who worked to make such an invasion happen could find themselves decorating lampposts in DC, or on whatever shoreline they are found.

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Isn't intentionally bringing in tens of millions of invaders into America Treason? If it is, which under law it clearly is, Pres Trump's picks to clean up the agencies MUST arrest those responsible.

Meanwhile, we all must pray without ceasing that God's will be done in America again.

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Trump could have done many things to help the USA…he did nothing.

People have been hoodwinked big time.

Once you know Truth, you can never go back.

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What do you expect him to do before he gets into Office, write a strongly worded letter?

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If by nothing you mean he did not arrest the traitors in the DS, that would be accurate. But if you literally mean nothing why are you here? Clearly you are blinded by ideology, worthy of no further discussion. Here endeth the lesson.

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I find it amusing that you support Jesus Christ, yet support evil.

Trump supports everything you should be against, having love of Jesus Christ, and God/Creator.

Deception is exactly what Christ warned about.

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Seek help, Renee.

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Actually, I’m “blinded” by Truth. After losing my job of 23 years March 1, 2021 for non-CONvid compliance, my eyes and Intuition have been opened like never before!

Operation Warp Speed should have woken people up, but it didn’t. Look at what Trump did during that period. Look at what he does (and says) NOW.

The disconnect from fact, and reality for some people is disturbing to me.

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He was deceived then, and he has reasons for not admitting his error - especially while campaigning to get re-elected and help America come back from the brink of destruction (thanks to Obama's plan to destroy us, with the assistance of his old team - Rice, Nuland, Jarrett, etc. - and a demented pedophile who was worthless when he was still in his "left" mind). Can you imagine the outcry, the heyday the Left would have made of such an admission? Wake up, Renee.

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You are exactly and a report came out recently that detailed how Fauci, the CDC, Bird, and others flat out lied to President Trump.

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I just came across a post on the MidwesternDoctor's substack: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#media-86833317-c59a-4001-b220-2279681826cf

"Note: most of the mRNA holdouts are Democrats. For this reason, I believe Trump’s reluctance to condemn the vaccines (despite many asking him to) may actually be the most effective way to remove the remaining public trust in them (as this will galvanize the left who had previously been unwilling to criticize the shots into doing so and linking their harms to his previous presidency)."

This makes sense as yet another reason why Trump would continue to refuse to admit he was deceived about "Warp Speed" and the toxic Covid injections.

I think that fits Renee's position very accurately, even though she does not see herself being as deluded as the Left/die-hard Democrats.

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He is not the President yet. A big limitation.

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This is only the beginning. There is going to be a lot more acts of terrorism in the country before the Trump administration can have enough time to get them all out or locked up. Thanks Biden!!!

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It wasn't hard to guess from the FBI's silence concerning the perpetrator's ethnicity, country of birth, and cult membership (islam is not a religion, it is a cult followed by the orthodox - not "radical" - muslims) that we were dealing with one of the hundreds of muslims who have used vehicles to kill people in crowds and on busy streets, in Israel, Europe, and here in America.

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