Thank you for the great work you do. It is very much appreciated and valued.

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The Democrats and the Republicans want open borders for different reasons. The Democrats want invaders to vote and ensure a Democrat majority forever. The Republicans want cheap labor. Both parties have betrayed America for power and money. Anyone thinks Trump is going to close the border or deport the invaders is in for a rude shock. By the way, the invasion is controlled by Mayorkas and the NGO, HIAMS. The hebrew immigrant aid society. The Tribe is determined to bring down the West and rule over the ashes.

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Additionally, HIAMS has spilled over into Charlie Kirk’s little fiefdom and regularly checks his speeches, agendas, etc. to make sure he tows their line.

They’re everywhere as master deconstructionists. They’ve never produced anything and every country they’ve occupied has kicked them out. We get a steady mind massage of the holocaust, as if they’ve copyrighted the word, yet how many are aware the Bolsheviks killed millions?

85%, or more, of By-dumb’s administration are tribe members. And, as an example, why isn’t Victoria Nudleman (Nuland) in jail for her heinous crimes against the Ukraine where, since 2014, she’s literally orchestrated the killing of thousands of people and gloats.

Chosen? I think not for their reason, but for Satan’s work.

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Well said, and all completely true. By the way, Mayorkas was a top dog at HIAMS and he is tribe. Blinken is tribe, and so is Zelensky and Nudelman. During the administration of Bush The Stupid, it was the Tribe Neo-Cons who pushed for the Invasion of Afghanistan, and Iraq. The plan was to destroy the middle east for Israel. It was the Tribe Neo-cons who orchestrated 9/11. And as an aside: The Bolsheviks were Tribe and they hated the White Christians of Russia, That is why they killed millions.

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Do you mean HIAS?

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But of course.

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Your documentary will be a must see for every American. You emphasize the smoke screen, Jedi mind trick the demon-crats cast upon the American people, among themselves, their followers, and Republicans: The touted absurdities of perpetuating Woke ideology as if it were an organic extension of the liberal progressive politics of the 1960s. Everyone knows that that era is dead and buried, if it ever really existed at all except in the minds of liberals, impressing upon young people, while the demons (both parties) and their policies raped and pillaged Americans. Now, they cast a sinister spell of deception so vile, so putrid, sane Americans are numb with disbelief and disgust.

Yes, JJ, Treason without remorse, arrogant, brazen, corrupt!

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Just absolutely savage what is being allowed to happen and be facilitated by the USA government and local systems in place.

This is utter demoralisation of a population - heritage Americans - who are being literally murdered and replaced by brutal thugs of the state. HIAS should be raided and closed down immediately and Mayorkas should be arrested for treason and party to murder, rape, theft and illegal entry to a sovereign country.

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They ALL should be arrested starting with Obiden and his whole administration! They are all guilty!

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Should be

Should be

Should be

Getting f’n tired of should be…..

We make a lot of noise but nothing happens.

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‘Should’ conveys the correct and proper action. J6 should be freed, the border should be closed. ‘Will’ is defining the future. The border will remain open. J6 will remain in prison. Power (and corrupt power at that) id the difference between ‘should’ and ‘will’. The morally offended are overwhelmingly dismissed by the morally bereft; otherwise, ‘should’ can easily be replaced by ‘will’ and expectation of removing these criminals and institutions for our safety and security and peaceful existence rather than the above being the catalyst for the murder of innocent people.

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Equally disturbing are corrupt judges that willy nilly release illegal aliens and prosecute Americans for exercising there Constitutional rights, such as peacefully petition gov. Check out:


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Spot on JJ. You predicted all of it in your book. Since you wrote this article there have been three more women murdered by illegal aliens, two of them juveniles Across three separate incidents and there will be more.

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Hi JJ, heard you on Alex. I'm Catholic, too. I've followed the "social justice" infiltration into the Church. Here's my post on my other blog. "Border Crisis: Catholic Socialist Organizers, Bishop, and Sisters" - giant list of open borders supporters.


God bless your work.

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I heard you on Scott Kesterson’s podcast. I’m telling everyone to listen to you. It’s “crazy” how many people are angry with me for talking about everything you spoke about. Oh well. One guy told me that he “does not want to be angry” and would prefer me to not talk about the border invasion. I told him he’ll be angrier when his home is taken over or his children and/or grandchildren are hurt. Anyway, thank you for speaking about the OBVIOUS. Thank you for having courage to speak truth.

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Off subject but I must say…. Please do some research on the Bluetooth air buds that you wear.. Are they the kind that is sending harmful frequencies to your brain? I want you to be safe !

Thank you for all you are doing to wake up America to the invasion occurring.. Peace 🪷🕊️

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why? because its the newest propaganda. ignore the home grown criminals,its got to be illegals.

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