Everything you say here is the unvarnished truth. However, the computer driven, internet connected electoral systems, combined with intentionally bloated voter registration rolls magnified by the steroid effect of mail-in election coupons (they don’t deserve to be called ballots), currently in place in the key states is more than sufficient to implant whoever “THEY” want in whatever office THEY desire (including the pretendency). The real reason for the influx of illegals is to replace us over time. Sure, letting them vote is one more nail in the coffin of Freedom, but the Dems spend all day everyday nailing us anyway.

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I don't understand your optimism. You actually think it's possible to reverse the destruction of the recent past? How can it be all about the vote when they control how the vote is counted? And the media, the education establishment, and the vast majority of the churches constantly trumpet the lies that our elections are honest and fair, and that anyone who points out the dishonesty is lying and attempting to overthrow the government.

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Don't give up hope. Laura Trump is trying to ensure fair elections this time BUT WE ALL MUST HELP HER! GET EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO REGISTER REPUBLICAN AND VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP before we loose our country to BLACKROCK ELITES. The shooter was in a Blackrock commercial!!!!!

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We won't be voting anyway, knowing the left has already won. America will continue it's decline into a full blown banana republic. Churches are mostly 501c3 and gate keepers for the globalists by refusing to take a stand. They work as social centers and collect money and preach social justice using sermon outlines from the hierarchies or nat. assoc.. People need to drop out of these apostate churches and home church or meet w/ likeminded.

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My opinion if you don't vote the country falls. You might want to reconsider the importance of your vote.

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The importance of our votes have steadily eroded since 1917. That erosion has shifted into overdrive since 1964 and on afterburners since 911. Elections are now decided by Democrat Party apparatchiks, mainly by fraudulent vote counting. Ballot box stuffing is no longer necessary but is still done, probably out of nostalgia.

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Presidents and Congress are controlled puppets by the CIA who are part of the globalist pro agenda 2030. I have been informed since the late '70's. This country has fallen to the globalists. Controlled presidents an example:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5cZOA-kXGc andhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wm-NtMkqz8

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Has anyone looked at Omega4America where they are vetting voter rolls through fractal (quantum) technologies? Focus is one swing states in big blue counties, but the fraud is addressable everywhere.


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Democrats are evil to Their core. They are violent and narcissistic and they use their violence to satisfy their own narcissism. They almost assassinated Brett Kavanaugh. James T Hendrickson, a Campaign worker in Bernie Sander campaign attempted to assassinate 12 Republicans but ended up shooting and severely wounding only one as well as a police officer. And yesterday all of This vilification and demonization of Donald Trump in the form of Democratic rhetoric compelled a young man to attempt to assassinate Donald Trump. I've had about enough! This is treason!

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Yes it is treason to its core. Now what? What the hell are Republicans going to do? Another fkg investigation that goes nowhere? Remove your DOJ/FBI LEADERSHIP NOW. EMPLOY REAL POLICEMAN WITH BALLS.

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The only Republican I trust and have faith in is a MAGA Republican.

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And because NO ONE HAS BEEN FIRED INCLUDING MAYORKAS AND THE SS WOMAN OVER THE ENTIRE DEBACLE we as American citizens must wake up to a possible SHOCK that corruption in the Republican party RINOS may exist and another shot may be taken against President Trump!!! Wake up America before it's too late. PLEASE with a cherry on top. Vote for President Trump whether you like him or not. He WILL SAVE AMERICA and your families from sure demise if the democrats get elected.

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I'm 💯 on board! Our country is failing before our eyes! We ALL MUST WAKE UP.

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Why doesn't Trump bring this up like there is NO TOMORROW (about illegal citizens vote)........ Are the American voters going to let this SHIT FLY..........------ SHAME ON US...!!!!!!!!!!

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I think American voters are lazy. When they loose their freedoms THEN they will get off their ass but it will be too late to fix. Republicans will NEVER WIN AGAIN once this demonic administration is in.

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Laura Trump has 100k people overseeing the elections. She can't do this alone! She is fighting for us like the Donald is.

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Thanks for report. Didn't know these heathens exempted themselves of many things.

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