Our government is completely out of control! Americans must stand up on Nov 5 & retake our Country by putting Trump in office.

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I regret to say, but Europe is being re-populated aswell. The majority stills buys into the MSM narrative of 'refugees'. But the anger under many is growing fast, so does the people voting 'right-wing- parties. Europe is being demolished.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Be careful in the hive of debauchery—NYC,

where the fabric of treason and destruction is spun. They will continue this abomination until

a total take down occurs. The MSM doesn’t try to hide their paradigm, the narrative of deceit, sedation and treachery—they care not.

We do not want civil war, however, the split from a captured government with marxist ideology and a total globalist agenda and a Country of American Patriots wanting a Restored Republic now, is widening with no return to a status quo. The Treachery and outright contempt for America and Americans, decades old, is now so overt, naked, in your face—and the stench is nauseating.

I believe you are correct JJ, there is no turning back, no middle ground, it is either us, Real America, or the demon imposters, the fake, current regime of clowns, liers, and miscreants pretending to run the country.

How outrageous and preposterous it all has become.

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At least we have the 400,000 protestant pastors in our nation preparing their flock for for upheaval.

Oh, wait….

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Wait what?

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There is a migrant crime wave sweeping our nation with the strength of a tsunami. Can we please go back to using the term "illegal alien" and call this an illegal alien crime wave? Our government needs to discontinue this never ending process of placing whip cream on a pile of fresh hot steaming shit and serving it up as a chocolate mousse dessert! This is treason!

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This kike cockroach needs Ka-Barred from nose to navel.

We are SICK of taking it in the teeth and up the ass.

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Wives being pimped out… and this has become a prosperous business? 90 minutes away. New York synonymous with debauchery again after 40 years of being The Big Apple, the Center of Culture, and the Financial Capital of the World. 😢

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