The part that is most sad, is though many know what's taking place. All we do is talk about it. Not sure what that does. It's even more sad that all this from detention centers through out 50 states, W.H.O pandemic treaty. Too the UN power grab in September. The engineered invasion, Pathogens being created in labs throughout the world etc. It's like they have all there basis covered from A too Z. And we are just playing catch up.

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Ricardo, I think it’s beyond a solution at this point. The uSA is now on the trajectory of Europe. Europe is gone. This is the “Kalergi Plan”, and this started decades ago, just not on the scale that’s now apparent. We are at war, and the average person on the street is absolutely clueless.

Look at the major cities, the bioweapon (“vaccine”), the elimination of the reserve currency, the “climate change” hoax, and the list goes on, and on.

The worst part???? Our own government is the enemy. And 👉(((others))) in systematic “lockstep”.

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No solution indeed, less than three percent of adults informed on this and other issues on globalism/agenda 2030. Voting is useless, America has been taken down. Detention centers in all 50 states see: Jesse Venture pt 1-3 on FEMA detention centers you tube. Majorit of people over 95 percent are too busy w/ sports, cell phone activity 24/7 and social media celebrity gossip and could care less about their children or g' kids futures.

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AKA: pure stupidity

Stupidity IS a choice. Laura, you GET IT!

The “powers that shouldn’t be”, knew exactly how to take humanity down! Feed them endless bullshit…trigger THAT part of the brain, just like any drug: sports, social media, television, technology, bigger/better crap they don’t need, but think they “want”…I understand. And, our souls are here for a reason!

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AKA: pure stupidity

Stupidity IS a choice. Laura, you GET IT!

The “powers that shouldn’t be”, knew exactly how to take humanity down! Feed them endless bullshit…trigger THAT part of the brain, just like any drug: sports, social media, television, technology, bigger/better crap they don’t need, but think they “want”…I understand. And, our souls are here for a reason!

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The Airline Pilots are in a position to know a lot of information about the Darien Gap pipeline. I hope they speak out and investigate the true story.

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I understand an election in Panama is causing people to crowd the Darien Gap to make it to the border before the elected leadership closes the border.

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I forgot about that. I remember a shooting during a mining rights demonstration in Panama.. A lot of stuff is going on.

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Some airline employers may have told pilots to keep quiet not discuss the flights of illegals, etc.

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@J.J. - I'd like to hear what you think the pilot can do to help.

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What can we as American Citizens, who do care BTW (at least the ones who know), do? I feel like we have no options. People are getting the word out, post these reports on social media, etc. It's like everyone is walking around in a haze and either refuses to do anything or won't do anything. The reports about these children break my heart.

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Unbelievable. These crimes are evil. How is this going un-acknowledged by Texas officials, the governor, county sheriffs?

Executive level administrators have got to know what is going on.

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Unbelievable! The scale of anarchy this administration has caused and just 3 1/2 years is absolutely remarkable! What a brave woman. God bless her!

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Thank you. J.J., you're cited in this week's "World Affairs Brief" by Joel Skousen. A free sample is available https://worldaffairsbrief.com/home/about.

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