Thank you for reporting these horrible happenings. It grieves my soul that our country is filled with such evil. I am praying for your safety as you bring us more information, as well as praying for the children. Stay safe.

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It is useless to vote, no politician is interested in fixing anything that would benefit citizens and /or stop crimes against kids and adults since the legal system favors the criminals..

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The little “Like” icon is inappropriate for this subject so I will simply say thank you for reporting on this. I had no idea the trafficking of children had to grown to colossal proportions. I am over the “thoughts and prayers” mode….how can this be stopped? Decades of “thoughts and prayers” and no action is how it grew this big.

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There is something particularly hideous about abusing children. Many are wanting to see a severe beating on these demons, not for vengeance but for deterrence.


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I know this is all true and I accept it as truth. I do not need to question the validity of this writing. What I do need to question is why the hell is the media not all over this to include all of the right wing media??? This is treason!

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Thanks for writing this and informing others. Since October 2023, I have been learning so much about the horrific and vile things our country has had a hand in so none of this surprises me.

What do you think about the cop cities being built all over America? I really think we need to try and shut those down too.




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God’s vengeance is coming so get prepared spiritually and physically. Nothing is going to stop what is coming!!

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God forgive us and deliver us from our sins. Deliver these children from us. They deserve better.

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Is there anything we can do to eliminate these programs? Reporting on them is critical, but What then?

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