I have trouble accepting that so many highly educated , otherwise decent people I know have been propagandized so thoroughly by the corrupt media and destructive left. They truly are utterly clueless about what is going on. Critical thinking skills are absent in the vast majority of our populace. Yes very turbulent times are on the near horizon.

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BINGO. I have the same problem. I have many clients and business associates who are highly intelligent and, if you're discussing business or legal issues and strategies, they are objective and able to think clearly and critically. But, if you're talking about any news or political matters, it's like a switch is thrown and they start spewing the Leftist talking points without the ability to hear anything that contradicts them. They're brainwashed and incapable of considering any alternative to the Leftist memes.

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Former good pal of mine is a bigshot lawyer. I warned him again and again that covid was a scam and not to get the shots under any circumstances. We drifted apart. He wrote me the other day saying he’s had covid 4x but thanks to the miracle of Pavlovid he’s pulling through just fine. Said without those shots he would’ve surely been a goner. WTF?!

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If you read, “Rape of the Mind”, Joost Meerloo, you’ll see EXACTLY how human beings are literally brainwashed and fall for propaganda. It’s an excellent book that I Highly recommend! Quite amazing!

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Dr. Nehls wrote The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom. It is a good book for these times, too.

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Most adults incl Republicans lack critical thinking skills. Vital issues like the national debt , child and drug trafficking, are sidestepped. Pagan prayers were said by Vance's wife at the RNC which proves this nation has fallen into paganism incl LGBTQ and other activities. Uprisings of illegals in various cities would be a false flag for martial law or civil war breaking out. We may not even have an election in Nov.

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I do not place my trust in Trump; I place it in God. God can use Trump if Trump allows him. The U.S. and the rest of the world are being humbled as our false idols fall. Remember Lot’s wife.

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Trump is being used, but not for good. I voted for him twice, and I will not vote again.

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Kudos to you JJ. Every post is more unnerving than the one before and they've all be unnerving. Your last four items are the best summation of where we are as a country that there is. I know which side I'm on and it is the winning side of God. I am amazed by how many there are who are on the side of Evil, some without realizing it, but that is no excuse. I hope your film wakes of the rest of the hypnotized masses before its too late for them to get on the right side of this war.

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This is DEFCON I, liberty enthusiasts.

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It shouldn't be so hard to accept the fact that our government is our worst enemy. It was obvious to Americans when we were still subjects of Great Britain that governments are generally enemies of their subjects. France was, and Germany, Spain, the African nations, and all of the other nations from which we had fled. Our founders were well aware of the dangers of government. The tried their best to avoid the worst of them, but ultimately failed. The likes of Hamilton and Burr were in their midst, as well as the slave Colonies. Their ideological descendants have been in our midst all along, and have succeeded in undermining our foundations to bring us down to what we are today: subjects rather that citizens. We are the live frogs in the kettle over the flame, soon to be cooked to death.

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Very frightening! May God have mercy on our Country.

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One has to wonder if the definition of treason contained in the Constitution was taken into consideration by the producers of the instant documentary.

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The treason clause is found at Article III, Section 3, and states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

Of course there are many cases interpreting this provision, but permitting the open invasion of our country by enemy forces certainly fits within the case law.

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It is hard, unfortunately, to prove that unarmed and ununiformed trespassers are committed anything more than trespass. The invasion has been incentivized by those providing copious welfare benefits to anyone requesting them, regardless of any qualifying requirements. Kindly cite the case law that the interpretation is supported by.

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Democratic lunacy is Simply exhausting!!!

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Some People think only 10 million have crossed over illegally but according to JJ and others that are doing actual journalist work say the number is more like 30 million and it could hit 40 and 50 million before we’re able to stop it. If we can stop it.

People do not realize the destruction of America has not begun yet.

A large percentage of the illegal army that has been imported in to destroy America, are just waiting, what are they waiting for? They aren’t working they are just collecting money from our government in hotels and waiting …FOR THEIR MARCHING ORDERS to wreak havoc on all of the major cities in the United States of America.

Some say they’re going to wait for Donald Trump to be elected and then start the anarchy.

For most Americans we just want to live our live of freedom. To love who we want, to worship the God we want to be who we are without harming others or being harmed for who we are.

The politicians, the global elites, the CIA they all have plans for us. Many of us are or will or have already fought for our country in one way or another. I also know most Americans will fight fight fight for their country, family and their God.

America needs a miracle and a lot of hard work to turn this war making machine around.

In God I Trust.

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Says I can’t manage scription in apt but I want to follow your input . I was on Abbott think teams and had hard time seeing reality of while I didn’t want all illegals in Texas we have been rearranging deck chairs on titanic !!! Where and how do I documentary . I am a club president Star Republican in Texas and do movie days with CD s . On x

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A student asked me recently "Why do they do it?" ('they' meaning Deep State actors). I told her that 1) they are paid, 2) they're afraid that if they stop, what they've done to others will be done to them, and 3) they enjoy being evil.

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We fell victim to a color revolution and a coup in 2020. It's what our agencies have always done around the world - destroy nations...it was just a matter of time before they turned their tactics on us...

Obama's private army mercenaries are in the gates waiting for orders, and they will not hesitate to round americans up, or simply take us out... and wait until their salaries and accommodations are taken away...

And it was a massive win for the ghoulz with over 100,000 children missing now...

but we have so much more to look forward to - grid down, martial law, more chemtrails and nanotech in our bodies...microwaving frequencies - and anything else they can unleash...

Looking forward to the docu...hope it comes out soon...time is slipping away...

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When will this documentary come out, please? Where will be we be able to see it?

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We are planning to release it in September/October.

You can preorder it at www.ThisIsTreason.com

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It may be too late for America by then. Honestly it may be too late already. Thanks JJ for your honest hard work.

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Thanks so much, sir!!

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